So, I made a blog years ago (many) and like most new bloggers abandoned the project. In all likelihood the same thing will happen here, but hopefully it'll stick around! You have stumbled on my personal reviews of my favorite media artifacts (books, music, movies, and TV).
A little about my tastes.
I listen to almost every kind of music. (Oh here we go with another "oh I listen to everything" guy.. pfft). Okay now just hold on. I know it's pretty cliche to be one of those "eclectic types" who listen to everything, but I'll try to keep it interesting for you. That being said I do tend to lean towards certain genres (aha! a faker!). I lean towards epic sounding music.
Epic sounding music? Well that means a lot of things. I enjoy demanding instrumental parts (huh?), think Dream Theater. I like epic instrumentation usage which throws every instrument (maybe even a kitchen sink) at the song. A group I've come across recently that fits this bill is Globus. This is bleeding into my first review post so I'll save more on Globus for later.
So.. demanding parts.. epic.. sounds not very pop. Okay, I'll admit I don't listen to a lot of Top 40/Pop sorts of music. So if you're looking for the review of the newest radio single, you probably won't find it here (unless your radio station plays Dream Theater or Epica in which case you might. Also tell me where you live so I can move there.)
Hey I thought you said something about books!
Oh yeah! So, I like reading. I wouldn't classify myself as a "voracious" reader, but I do read every day. (Not voracious huh?), according to my Goodreads I thumbed through about 28 books last year. I'm hoping with some motivation I can increase that number.
So.. what do you read?
I read mostly fiction (sorry non-fiction people). Literary and genre. I am trying to read a wide variety of authors from all over the world, and hope to share what I find with you.
I mix in classics (which were dreadfully withheld in high school and college) along with contemporary literature. I'm also a geek and sometimes read science fiction and fantasy. The last three books to date that I have read were Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (the 1818 version of the text for those of you that pay attention to those things), The Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach, and The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood.
You don't listen to Top 40/Pop does that mean you don't read bestseller list things?
Yes and no. The Art of Fielding was a NYT Bestseller, but I had discovered the book through other means. Being on the bestseller list doesn't disqualify a book, although I find a lot of the books on those lists I won't end up reading. Also, I don't often read Young Adult books (sorry Harry Potter fans) or romance-centric books (sorry Harlequin fans).
Much like music I have ways that I lean. I like speculative fiction. Speculative fiction (isn't that science fiction?). Here's how I describe speculative fiction, it has threads of science fiction (sometimes fantasy) but tends to be more "realistic" and reaching only slightly further into the future (like what could happen 20 years from now). So, take from that what you will.
Hey what about spoilers?
My reviews will not contain spoilers. However, if I feel the strong urge to provide a spoiler it will be clearly marked. Generally speaking no spoilers will be provided.
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